The Stockholm Interbank Offered Rate, STIBOR,  is published on each business day in Sweden at 11.00am. The most recent rates published on the website are published with a 24 hour delay (min).


Transparency Reports

Transparency Indicators Report
SFBF publishes a Transparency Indicators Report (‘TIR’) monthly containing aggregated and anonymised indicators to provide transparency in the determination of STIBOR. All published reports can be accessed here.

Erroneous Input Data Reports
Given the criticality of STIBOR, we recognise that any potential erroneous input data could impact financial contracts. Therefor, SFBF has set out a process for reporting and publishing erroneous input data at regular intervals for full transparency. SFBF publishes erroneous input reports via the website at regular intervals. All published reports can be accessed here.


Contact us

Data for academic research?
Should you require specific data for your academic research but am unable to find in the historical archives provided here, or have other questions,  please feel free to contact us for assistance.

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Problems logging in, resetting passwords or other questions related to your account on our website? We are here to help, please feel free to contact us

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You are welcome to use direct mail to if preferred.

Usage of data provided

The  STIBOR benchmark data displayed on this website are provided by SFBF. To the fullest extent permitted by law, SFBF provides the STIBOR benchmark data on this website ‘as is’ and you may not rely on it as being accurate, timely, comprehensive or fit for a particular purpose. SFBF, its licensors, and its and their respective employees, contractors, agents, suppliers and vendors shall have no liability or responsibility whatsoever (whether in negligence or otherwise) for damages, claims, losses or expenses – whether direct, indirect, consequential, incidental, punitive or otherwise – arising in connection with the STIBOR benchmark data, including but not limited to losses or expenses caused by errors or delays in calculating or disseminating the STIBOR benchmark data.

Whilst we have used all reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of the data displayed on these pages, data errors can occur. Please note that any redistribution or commercial exploitation of the published data without a subscription or license are strictly prohibited. Your right to use the STIBOR benchmark data is governed by your agreement with the SFBF regarding the SFBF benchmark data. If you do not have an agreement with SFBF, all SFBF benchmark data is provided for your information and personal use only and is not intended for trading purposes or advice.